Please excuse the cross posting
The following additional library webinars are scheduled for July 2011. Descriptions and registration details are listed below.

InfoPeople: Killer Collections: Libraries Beyond Books – July 21st (ONLINE)
*Do print books alone meet the diverse needs of your community?
*How can library staff manage the logistics of non-traditional library materials, like guitars and eReaders?
*How can partnerships help with funding and/or implementation of these new collections?

Are you interesting in engaging a new segment of your community? By introducing Killer Collections, featuring non-traditional items like seeds, guitars, programming kits, and eReaders, your library can better meet the ever-changing needs of your users.

After this one-hour webinar, attendees know ways to:
*identify needs in community for non-traditional collections
*implement lending policy and loan rules for non-traditional collections
*identify potential community partners who can help make your non-traditional collection a reality

Additional details @
InfoPeople: I Didn’t Know the Census Bureau Did That! – July 26th (ONLINE)
*Where the best county is to look for a job in your field - - complete with the recent number of new hires and starting salaries?
*How many businesses are owned by women in your area?
*A thorough explanation of poverty (including poverty thresholds, the surveys that collect poverty data, and the best survey to use for each purpose)?
*How to determine the best site location for a business, blending demographic data for a community with economic data?

These and other scenarios will be explored in the step-by-step online exercises provided to participants. We will review the three main demographic programs – the 2010 Census, the American Community Survey, and the Population Estimates Programs – and then explore other Census programs like Local Employment Dynamics (LED), Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE), County Business Patterns (CBP), Survey of Business Owners (SBO), Economic Census, and the Census of Governments.

At the end of this one-hour, hands-on webinar, attendees will:
*Know how to start your search for the statistics you need and the questions you need to answer before beginning any search.
*Learn how to find data – through "hands-on" exercises – from the many sources linked to (the Census Bureau's home page).
*Discover how the Census Bureau acts as the data collection agent for the three main sources of library statistics – the Public Libraries Survey, the State Library Agencies Survey, and the Academic Libraries Survey – and how that arrangement typifies many of the sponsored surveys conducted by the Census Bureau.
*Understand the benefits, challenges, and limitations of the various data sources and how to evaluate each source to meet your needs.

Additional details @
InfoPeople: Building Community Partnerships to Augment Adult Services – July 27th (ONLINE)
*Would you like to do more with less?
*Have less staff, money, or time than you would like at your library?
*Considered partnering with other organizations to expand your resources?

Being the Lone Ranger might look fun on TV, but in the library it may lead to staff burnout and limited programming. Forming strong community partnerships will help you achieve more with less. Library users will experience richer services, and library staff will gain support from the community.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, attendees will:
*Know how to build community partnerships to augment Adult Services
*Understand differences between cooperative, collaborative and strategic partnerships
*Be able to identify potential partnerships in diverse communities including rural, large urban, affluent, and those with few or limited resources.

Additional details @