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From: edWeb <>
To: Irene Kwidzinski <>
Sent: Tue, July 12, 2011 10:32:25 AM
Subject: Tomorrow's webinar: Video Instruction [from Michelle Luhtala]

A new posting on the edWeb was submitted by Michelle Luhtala in the community Using Emerging Technology to Advance Your School Library Program.

Hellllloooo Everyone!

Summer is officially in full swing, and is too! We have almost one hundred new members in our Using Emerging Technology to Improve your Library Program community here, bringing us up to over 2,300!

I want to take a moment to welcome our new members. Here at Emerging Tech, we present webinars on the second Wednesday of each month (4PM during school year and at 11AM during the summer - EST), and we participate in ongoing discussion threads in between to continue the conversation and provide context and continuity for each webinar. Our past 12 webinar recordings are available on the Emerging Tech landing page  - just scroll down to where it says Freshman Year , and you can watch them at any time. If you would like a certificate of participation, all you need to do is take the corresponding quiz; we will email you a certificate. We are also launching some exciting collaborative projects, including designing a survey about filtering, access and learning in K-12 education.

For Emerging Tech regulars, in explanation for my recent silence, I am just returning from 10 days of camping without electricity or mobile service, and it was delightful! I read three books (new James Frey, The Paris Wife, and a charming advanced reader copy (ARC) I picked up at ALA called The Ghost of Greenwich Village) I read them all in print - now a novel experience (no pun intended). I hope that everyone's Independence Day week was relaxing and joyful.

Tomorrow, will present our fist episode of Emerging Tech's second season - Using video for Instruction. We will review available resources, share basic tips and tricks, and focus on applications for video in library programming. I am always surprised at how much video enhances my practice and increases student engagement. We will log into at 11:00AM, Eastern time (no need to register, just show up there and jump in!). We hope you can join us, but if you can't, the recording will be posted shortly afterwards and you can view the entire session at your convenience.

It's quite sultry here in the northeast this morning, so I'm wishing you a cool day, but I suppose if you are in San Francisco, I should be sending you warmth! Regardless of your location, have a great mid July day, and I hope to "see you" tomorrow!


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