Summer is a great time to catch up on your professional learning and networking. Join one of our professional learning communities that offer free webinars. Connect with peers across the country in our live chats and discussion forums. When you join the communities below, you can watch all of the previous webinars recordings. edWeb.net is free for educators and schools to use to create professional learning communities and online communities of practice. If you're not a member, you can learn more and join for free at edWeb.net.
NEW WEBINARS coming up on edWeb.net
- Tuesday, July 12th, 4pm Eastern Time
"The First Week of School" Presented by Shannon Holden, founder of newteacherhelp.com Join the community New Teacher Help
- Wednesday, July 13th, 4pm Eastern Time
"Video Instruction: Using video to increase instructional availability" Presented by Michelle Luhtala, Head Librarian, New Canaan High School Join the community Using Emerging Technology to Advance Your School Library Program
- Thursday, July 14th, 4pm Eastern Time
"Get the Most from Your SIS Investment" Presented by Chris Dawson of ZDNet Education Join the community SIS Voices for Student Achievement
- Tuesday, July 19th, 4pm Eastern Time
"An Introduction to the World of Educational
Games" Presented by Dan Norton, Co-Founder and Lead Designer for Filament Games Join the community Game-Based Learning
- Wednesday, July 20th, 4pm Eastern Time
"What Is Really Happening in the Classrooms?" Presented by Dr. Mari Pearlman, Pearlman Education Group Join the community Learner-Centered School Leadership
- Tuesday, July 26th, 1pm Eastern Time
"Online Math Intervention Services" Presented by Gail Palumbo, former Director of Curriculum and Technology, Montgomery Township, NJ Join the community Technology in Schools - What, Why and How?
- Wednesday, July 27th, 4pm Eastern Time
"Organizing a Class that has
Students with Various Disabilities" Join the community Teaching Students with Autism: Grades PreK-5 Join the community Teaching Students with Autism: Grades 6-12
- New! Summer Live Chats with Eden Autism Serivces
Spend time this summer learning from the professional services team at Eden Autism Services about how to work more effectively with student with autism. This is a great time, while school is out, to learn new strategies to make it easier to support students with autism, and their parents. Find out more by joining a community! Join Teaching Students with Autism: Grades PreK-5 Join Teaching Students with Autism: Grades 6-12
LISTEN NOW to recent webinars and interviews
 We're pleased to announce that edWeb.net was awarded a Distinguished Achievement Award for Technology-Social Media at the Association of Educational Publishers Annual Conference on June 8th in Washington, D.C.
We thank our sponsors for supporting these professional learning opportunities for educators.   