Cross-posted; please excuse duplication. Please forward as appropriate.




The new ProQuest platform had been plagued by a premature session timeout that sometimes occurred when using Internet Explorer. I reported this issue to ProQuest (as did others), and was advised to recommend other browsers while ProQuest pursued a fix.


Now ProQuest has applied a maintenance release to the new platform to solve this issue. If any of you continue to experience premature session timeouts in the new platform when using Internet Explorer, please report it to me at the e-mail address below. I would like to receive the reports by the end of the business day this Friday, July 15.


Report to:


Thanks to you all for your help and your patience.


Eric Hansen
Electronic Resources Coordinator
786 South Main Street
Middletown, CT 06547-5101
Tel. 860.704.2224
888.256.1222 (in CT)
Fax 860.704.2228