Please excuse the cross posting


ALCTS: Aiming for a Robust Metadata Infrastructure for the Future – Aug. 1st (Online)

The Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, and the National Library of Medicine have jointly determined that to achieve a viable and robust metadata infrastructure for the future, RDA--Resource Description & Access should be in that future. This decision was not made lightly, but based on a substantive test using RDA in which 23 libraries and the three U.S. national libraries participated. See for info.


LE@D:Ten Tips for Writing Well – Aug. 4th (Online)
These days so much of our communication happens by email, texting, websites, blogs, and wikis that writing is more important than ever. Author Claudia Sorsby states, “In cyberspace, your writing style is your voice.”  Writing clear, concise communications will set you apart from the majority of people who produce careless, confusing, and rambling documents.  This webinar provides a quick tour of some of the more common mistakes even experienced library professionals make (and regardless of one’s level of education). Although it is about writing basics, this webinar focuses on workplace applications: what can improve how your words impact the readers at work, whether they be your employers, co-workers, employees, or customers. Topics include punctuation, jargon, keeping words “in agreement,” too many words, using the wrong words, and failure to edit, as well as using social media abbreviations (texting shorthand) in workplace documents. See for info.


InfoPeople: Cuddle Up & Read: Storytimes for Teen Moms – Aug. 9th (Online)
*Are you interested in working with pregnant and parenting teens?
*Do you already have a program started and are looking for more tips on how to effectively serve this population?
*Did you not realize this is a population in your community?

Webinar attendees will learn:
*About the Cuddle up & Read programs in San Diego
*How to establish successful community partnerships in order to create a literacy based program for teen parents and their children
*How to improve their existing literacy based programs for pregnant and parenting teens.


See for info.

Trends in Library Training – Aug. 10th & 11th (Viewing Party @ MLSC)
Webinars can be great – they are convenient, easy, and save time and money. But some things are just better shared ... so why not participate in this OCLC-sponsored webinar at our collegial "Viewing Party"? This is a two-day event, so just choose the sessions that interest you and join us at the Middletown Library Service Center to watch and discuss with colleagues from Connecticut. The Connecticut State Library & CLC’s Technology Roundtable will be the hosts of the event, and Chairs Nancy Haag and Julie Lee will moderate a discussion of some of the sessions. See for info.

Program, Wed. August 10th:
Born to Forget: How to Survive & Thrive in the Age of Information Overload
Happiness Through Personal Learning
Lights! Camera! Action! Using video for patron & staff training
Getting Admin Buy-In for Training

Program, Thurs., August 11th:
Instructional Literacy & the Library Educator: Reflective Habits for Effective Practice
Tech Training Skills for 21st Century Library Staff
Beyond 23 Things: Enhanced Self Paced Training
Cultivating the Library as a Site of Participatory Culture & Learning


InfoPeople:  Using Technology for Time Management – Aug. 18th  (Online)
*Are you looking for a jumpstart to increase your time management skills?
*Are you interested in finding ways to use your smartphone to optimize your daily planning?
*Are you looking for ways to save on paperwork and clutter?

Learn to work smarter, not harder to increase your time management skills to prioritize task and daily activities, and eliminate unnecessary activities.

By the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
*Have a comparison of at least three types of time management systems.
*Be familiar with 4 smart phone time management programs.
*Be familiar with the basics of the time management process to maximize work productivity.

See for info.

ADA Online: Introduction to Mobile Computing – Sept. 13th (Online)
This session is an introduction to the value of mobile computing for people with disabilities. It will include popular devices such as iPad and the netbook and discuss accessibility features of importance. Case studies and practical examples will be given. See  for info.

ALCTS: Book Repair for Libraries – Sept. 14th (Online)
articipants will become familiar with several types of basic repairs for bound circulating collections materials in school, public, and academic libraries. Tip-ins and basic page repairs, hinge tightening, and a variety of spine repairs will be covered. Techniques will be illustrated and demonstrated with text, images, and video. Links to other resources will be provided. Repairs and conservation treatments on rare and special collections materials will NOT be discussed. See for info.


Early Registration Info: September WebJunction Webinars

Innovations from America’s Best Small Libraries 2011

September 20, 2:00 pm Eastern / 11:00 am Pacific

Early Registration:


Library Journal's annual Best Small Library in America Award, sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was created in 2005 to encourage and showcase the exemplary work of libraries serving populations under 25,000. In collaboration with the Association for Rural and Small Libraries, we are hosting this webinar with 2011 finalists. This year’s winner, Naturita Community Library (CO), serves a population of only 2,100 with technology, distance education, and programming supporting all the community’s lifelong learning needs. The Ames Free Library (MA) bridges the computing gap with a nimble thin-client network, wireless access, and laptops for patron use, along with Computer Tutors who help bring patrons to the next level. Page Public Library (AZ) offers almost daily programs for patrons across the age spectrum and addresses patron technology needs including equipment to access distance learning. Join Susan Rice, branch supervisor, Naturita Community Library;  Paul Paladino, director, Montrose Regional Library District; Madeline Miele Holt, director, Ames Free Library;  Debbie Winlock, director, Page Public Library; and Library Journal's executive editor, Rebecca Miller for an hour of innovative and practical inspiration from three of America’s best small libraries.


Putting the Public Back in Public Libraries: Community-Led Libraries

September 26, 1:00 pm Eastern / 10:00 am Pacific

Early Registration:


While public libraries are generally viewed as inclusive spaces, there are large segments of community that do not use them.  Beginning in 2004, four large urban library systems from across Canada - Vancouver, Toronto, Regina and Halifax Public Libraries - spent four years working in socially excluded communities, to determine how to make public library services relevant to the needs of underserved communities.  As a result, it was discovered that when communities are involved in the identification, development and delivery of library services, there can be an exhilarating effect. Since the conclusion of the highly successful Working Together Project (2004-2008), public libraries from across Canada have integrated community-led approaches and techniques. This webinar, brought to you in collaboration with Library Journal, will discuss the major outcomes of the project and provide examples of how the bringing this approach into library service planning makes libraries even more relevant to local needs. Presenters: Tracey Jones-Grant, manager of ELL, Literacy and Diversity Services, Halifax Public Libraries; Ken Williment, community development manager for Halifax Public Libraries; and Randy Gatley, community librarian, Vancouver Public Library.







Kris Abery

Connecticut State Library

Continuing Education Coordinator
Tele: 860.704.2206



