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Gale sends this reminder about enhancements coming on August 1. As always, questions are welcomed.


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Search Assist -- our autocomplete feature -- and other enhancements are coming Aug. 1 to Gale PowerSearch and InfoTrac collections

Since we launched Gale PowerSearch, we’ve continually gathered feedback from valuable customers like you. After hearing from thousands of users, Gale is now adding powerful new enhancements — including faster, improved search functionality.

The enhancements being made to Gale PowerSearch, Academic OneFile, General OneFile and all collections include:

  • Search Assist: InfoTrac products will have a learning, intuitive autocomplete feature allowing users to find the exact subject, keyword or publication for which they’re looking from a single search box, saving time and providing search functionality similar to what they experience with other Web products
  • Cross-searchability: These new enhancements mean cross-searching functionality among the following Gale In Context resources: Biography, Opposing Viewpoints, Student Resources, Canada, Science, U.S. History and World History
  • Related Subjects: Results lists will display, by default, all relevant, related subjects and articles to help users find the information they seek faster and more efficiently
  • Enhanced Publication and Subject Search: Additional features and limiters will be added to our publication and subject search pages along with Search Assist
  • Language Customizability: The user interface will now support three additional languages: Chinese, Japanese and Korean
  • New Titles: Gale is committed to growing our periodical products at no additional cost to you. New content is added to our InfoTrac products daily. Last year alone, more than 1,500 new titles were added — including more than 1.6 million articles

Gale PowerSearch will continue to support existing features such as Read-Speaker audio technology, eBook cross-search, Web sharing tools, language translation and more.

Learn about these new features by viewing presentations, guided tours and more >>

If you have questions about these enhancements, contact Gale Technical Support at 1-800-877-4253, option 4, or via e-mail.

For more information, contact your Gale representative at 1-800-877-4253



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