SIS Voices for Student Achievement
A free professional learning program hosted on edWeb.net and sponsored by Follett Software Company
Join us for the next webinar in the series
Help Students Manage Their Destiny
Thursday, August 11th, 4pm Eastern Time
Here is what's coming up in the next webinar, presented by Chris Dawson, a 20-year veteran of managing SIS systems and evaluating student data:
- Everything you've ever wanted to know about a student and their academic (and probably family and health) history should be in your SIS.
- How can you use this information to help students reach their goals?
- What tools are in your SIS (or can you build with your SIS) to assist counselors, mentors, and teacher-leaders to provide direction and guidance for your students?
- What information should be directly accessible to students and parents?
Join the SIS Voices community to attend this free webinar and become part of a professional learning community for SIS users to share information about how a student information system can drive student achievement.
SIS Voices provides SIS users at the school, district, and state level with a forum to share information, voice opinions, engage in a dialogue with peers, and gain support for using student data to improve teaching and learning. This is a unique and collaborative way for SIS users to work together to explore this important topic and support each other.
Sign up for this free webinar series by joining the SIS Voices for Student Achievement community on edWeb.net
Please forward this email to others who might be interested!

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