Midwinter Meeting registration and housing now open!
Register now so you don’t miss out on important conversations about the transformation and future of libraries—or on the wide range of events, exhibits, and sessions that will enrich your career and your library.
- 200+ discussion groups on hot topics
- Pre-Midwinter institutes from ALA divisions and offices
- Tools, workshops, and presentations for more effective advocacy
- ALA JobLIST Placement Center connecting job seekers and employers, and offering free career counseling
- Unforgettable speakers and memorable events including Sunrise Speaker Series , ERT/Booklist Author Forum, ALA President's Program, ALA Youth Media Awards, RUSA Book and Media Awards, ALTAFF Gala Author Tea and Spotlight on Adult Literature, Arthur Curley Memorial Lecture, and more
- 350+ exhibitors highlighting new and favorite titles, products, and services
- Stages in the exhibit hall showcasing hot mystery and romance authors, poets, and storytellers—and chefs on the first Midwinter What’s Cooking @ ALA? stage
- Immediate online and offline community to enrich your networking and learning
(tag: #alamw12)
- Networking Uncommons for impromptu sessions, demonstrations, and conversations
- Affordable room rates, all with free in-room wifi
- Fun social events including the Facebook meetup, tweetup, and more
Register now! |