Please excuse the cross posting
InfoPeople: Building a Culture of Creativity & Innovation in Libraries - October 5th (ONLINE)
In order to succeed in the 21st century, library workers and leaders will need to embrace new ways of doing business and reaching our users. Doing this requires embarking on a comprehensive, dynamic, and ongoing process of reinvention, beginning with an intentional and imaginative effort to design, develop, and implement new ways to serve and connect with our users. In this webinar, we will examine models for innovation used within the private sector and explore their relevance to libraries. Everyone has a role in charting the future for libraries and each of us has a responsibility for helping build a culture of creativity and innovation within our libraries.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, attendees will have:
*Concrete ways to foster creative ideas and innovation within their libraries
*Seen real-life examples of libraries building cultures of innovation
*Plans to encourage creativity and innovation in their own libraries
Details and registration @
InfoPeople: Using SmartPhones As a Marketing and Programming Tool - October 12th (ONLINE)
 *What is a smartphone and what makes it smart?
*How can I use it for making my library marketing and programming smarter?
*How are libraries using smartphones?
*What do I do to get started?
Smartphones are quickly becoming the number one resource for American's to access the information they need. With the proliferation of technology advances, it's not always easy to keep up with the latest trends or understand how to master the technology to use it effectively and efficiently. This webinar will focus on the use of smartphones and its application to the library's marketing and programming needs.
This one-hour webinar will:
*Present an overview of smartphone basics
*Review specific marketing opportunities that you can incorporate in your work
*Identify how to make your programming smart through media and technology
*Demonstrate how one library blended marketing and programming through their teen center
*Receive online resources that can assist you with next steps
Details and registration @
InfoPeople: Library Support Staff Certification: An Introduction - October 18th (ONLINE)
The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) is an American Library Association approved program that recognizes the value of the contribution of Library Support Staff to quality public service and efficient operation of a library, by offering voluntary certification based on a nationally recognized set of competencies. The program is managed by the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA), a companion association to ALA.
During this one-hour webinar, attendees will:
*Learn about the new Library Support Staff Certification Program
*Understand its value to library support staff, employers, and library users
*Hear a summary of the nuts and bolts of the program
*Have all their questions answered by program staff members
Details and registration @
WebJunction/OCLC:  Innovative Use of Skill-based Volunteers in Public Libraries - October 19th (ONLINE)
There is a growing number of younger members of our communities (the "net-generation") who are highly skilled with technology and the internet but view local public libraries as nice community amenities with little relevance to their "tip of the finger" world of information. There is also a notable increase in semi-retired, computer literate, actively engaged Baby Boomers. These two groups can be tapped to become the new volunteer base for libraries. Members of the net-generation will volunteer if they can use their expertise and professional skills to make a difference. The Baby Boomers will volunteer if they believe the experience will be intellectually challenging. By engaging these "new volunteers," libraries are helping to build vibrant sustainable community support for their library. This webinar identifies the critical issues and plan of action necessary to engage skilled-based library community volunteers. WebJunction is pleased to host this webinar in collaboration with ALA Editions, moderated by Eileen Dumas and Preston Driggers, co-authors of Managing Library Volunteers. Panelists include Gail Zacharilehal, volunteer coordinator, Keene Public Library (NH); and Sonja Plummer-Morgan, director, Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library (ME). Details and registration @
WebJunction/OCLC: Teaming Up with Teens @ Your Library - October 25th (ONLINE)
What is the absolute best avenue to getting teens involved and engaged at your school or public library? How can you encourage them to be peer reader advisors and library advocates in the community? Ultimately, if you want to encourage your teens to become lifelong readers, learners, and library users/supporters-and possibly even choose library work for their future career path-there is no better way to go than offering opportunities for active and involved teen library participation. In this webinar, you will explore ways teens can take part in your library, such as advisory groups, volunteering, short-term projects that use teen's special skills, and partnering with adults. You'll also get tips on planning, organizing, conducting, and evaluating teen participation. When you team up with teens at your library, it's win-win! WebJunction is pleased to host this webinar in collaboration with the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). Details and registration @
WebJunction/OCLC: Moving from Surviving to Thriving: Highlights from Project Compass - October 27th (ONLINE)
It's been a whirlwind year as Project Compass worked with library staff across the country to help them amplify their services to provide patrons with the skills they need to move from surviving to thriving, especially in a turbulent economy. Join the Project Compass team and special guests as we review the highlights from the staff training workshops and from the actions libraries have taken as a result of the project. We'll look at successful strategies and discuss what lies ahead for libraries at the hub of vibrant 21st century communities. Details and registration @
2011 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study: Results, Trends, and Resources -November 1st (ONLINE)
Early Registration:
Over 8,400 urban, suburban, and rural libraries participated in the 2011 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study<>, the largest and longest-running study of Internet connectivity in U.S. public libraries. Key findings include:
*         70% of libraries report increased use of public access computers, while at the same time, over 76% report an insufficient number of public computers to meet demand.
*         65% of libraries report that they are the only source of free public access to computers and the Internet in their communities.
*         67% of libraries offer access to e-books.
*         72% of libraries report that staff help patrons complete online job applications.
*         16% of libraries report decreased hours of operation. This translates to lost hours at more than 2,600 branches.
In this webinar co-sponsored by ALA TechSource, the ALA Office for Research & Statistics, and WebJunction, you will learn how to interpret the data and emerging trends; access new advocacy and marketing tools including state profiles, issue briefs, and PR templates; and use the data to make the case for your library with elected officials and community stakeholders. Take the new survey now!<>
"Wow, That's Cool! What is it?" - November 10th  (ONLINE)
Early Registration:
The Library of Virginia spent part of the last 12 months touring the Commonwealth with a van full of technology toys: e-readers, iPads, pocket video cameras and more, thanks to a grant from IMLS. This webinar, presented by Cindy Church of LVA and her Wow That's Cool trainer Lisa R. Varga, will describe how the project evolved, the response of library staff who had never seen or touched the technology patrons were asking about, things they'd do exactly the same next time, and things they'd never do again. Join us and learn about the program from several perspectives: the administrator, the trainer, and the conference attendee.



Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library


Tele: 860 704 2206
