Please excuse the cross posting
Seats available in the following November 2011 CE workshops. To register access the Connecticut Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @
PLEASE NOTE: Workshops will be canceled approx. one week before the scheduled date if we do not receive at least eight registrations per workshop.
Tech Tools for Digital Storytelling & Library PR - Nov. 15th (Simsbury PL)
When we think of traditional storytelling, telling tales around a campfire often comes to mind. And it's those same storytelling skills that are an essential part of giving any sort of effective presentation. In this workshop we'll be exploring digital storytelling and presentation tools. We'll cover how to use a wide range of web-based tools to present "stories" using a variety of digital media, how to find creative commons licensed media to include in presentations and look at ways to create more engaging presentations. These tools can be used in a variety of settings: student projects, library advocacy, gathering stories and local history from patrons and so much more.
Intermediate WordPress - Nov. 16th (MLSC)
In the basic "WordPress as a Content Management System" workshop you learned how to create Pages to display static content, use Posts to create a news page, select themes to make your site look great and  use widgets to create a sidebar of content for your library site. In this session you'll learn much more about managing your own  installation of WordPress and customizing your library's WordPress based web site. Topics will include: Tips on keeping your site secure and well maintained, Using the file editor to make minor edits to theme files. Customizing CSS to make simple changes to site. Great plugins that add great features to WordPress, New WordPress features including the Custom Menus options, Finding & installing themes and plugins, and How to work with Child Themes
Excel 2010: Getting Started - Nov. 17th (Bristol PL)
Come see what's new in the 2010 version of Excel as well as brush up on your Excel skills. You're guaranteed to learn enough new tips and tricks to make this class worth your while.
Early Registration December Webinars
Free Windows 7 Curriculum: Basic Computer Training at Your Library
Tuesday, December 6, 2011  2 pm EST
Early Registration:
Looking to provide basic computer training for an adult audience? Learn more about the My PC Series<>, a completely free and fun, hands-on, jargon-free curriculum of computer classes developed by Microsoft for adult learners that aims to make this challenge a bit easier.
This new curriculum centers on Windows® 7 and Windows Live™ Essentials and is based on extensive audience and instructional research about how less tech-savvy adults want to learn new computer skills.
The webinar includes an overview of the research behind the program, workshops used to teach basic computer and photo-editing skills, resources offered, and feedback from libraries already offering the My PC Series workshops. The webinar will strive to help you understand how the My PC curriculum could be applied at your library or organization.
Presented by: Todd Watts, program manager on the My PC Series program
A Small But Powerful Webinar for Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library
Wednesday, December 14, 2011  2 pm EST
Early Registration:
Join us for an introduction to the revised edition of the popular “Small But Powerful Guide to Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library<>,” a new toolkit from the American Library Association’s Committee on Rural, Native, and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds, Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries.  This webinar will introduce you to the tips and strategies presented in the toolkit, share the experiences of a rural librarian who has built support for her library, and introduce you to some of the additional advocacy tools and resources from the American Library Association.
Presenters: Miguel Figueroa, director, ALA Office for Literacy & Outreach Services; Susan Hill Pieper, director, Paulding County Carnegie Library (OH) and editor Rural Library Services Newsletter; and Jennifer Peterson, community manager at WebJunction, board member, Association for Rural & Small Libraries and chair of ALA Rural, Native, and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds Committee.



Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library


Tele: 860 704 2206
