

Usage statistics for iCONN's downloadable audio books during the month of October are now available at




as an Excel workbook - see the worksheet with tab named CirculationsReport. The workbook also includes a report on the titles with holds, and the number of those holds: see the tab named HoldsReport.


This marks the first monthly report of usage in our new OneClickdigital platform with Recorded Books. Unfortunately, the platform does not record use per bar code, so I cannot furnish checkouts per user bar code at this time. I have communicated with Recorded Books about this, and Technical Support has submitted this function as an improvement to Development. I do not have an ETA for this yet, but will write again when I have more information.


I am happy to answer any questions about this.


Best to all,


Eric Hansen

Electronic Resources Coordinator


786 South Main Street

Middletown, CT 06547-5101

Tel. 860.704.2224

888.256.1222 (in CT)

Fax 860.704.2228
