Please excuse the cross posting
Seats available in the following November 2011 CE workshop. To register access the Connecticut Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @
PLEASE NOTE: Workshops will be canceled approx. one week before the scheduled date if we do not receive at least eight registrations per workshop.
Intermediate WordPress - Nov. 16th (MLSC)
In the basic "WordPress as a Content Management System" workshop you learned how to create Pages to display static content, use Posts to create a news page, select themes to make your site look great and  use widgets to create a sidebar of content for your library site. In this session you'll learn much more about managing your own  installation of WordPress and customizing your library's WordPress based web site. Topics will include: Tips on keeping your site secure and well maintained, Using the file editor to make minor edits to theme files. Customizing CSS to make simple changes to site. Great plugins that add great features to WordPress, New WordPress features including the Custom Menus options, Finding & installing themes and plugins, and How to work with Child Themes





Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library


Tele: 860 704 2206
