Caitlin,  Your form doesn’t allow us to write into.  Have you considered using survey monkey?  Audrey


From: [] On Behalf Of Caitlin Carbonell
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 11:14 AM
Subject: [CASL-L] Graphic Novels Survey for Your Middle School!


Please disregard if you've answered this already! Thank you for your time and consideration!


Caitlin Carbonell

 Information Library Science Office

501 Crescent Street

New Haven CT, 06515

November 2011

To Whom It May Concern:


            My name is Caitlin Carbonell and I write in regards to fulfilling my Master’s degree in Information Library Science at Southern Connecticut State University. I am currently researching the perception of graphic novels and their usage in the curriculum and library’s collection. Graphic novels from the East or West have always held my interest, and as a future school media specialist, the idea of having a special project I am interested in doing is exuberating.

I am in the process of working on a special project revealing the perceptions school media specialists teaching grades 6th-8th in Connecticut have about graphic novels. I’m asking for volunteers to fill out my anonymous questionnaire. By submitting your results, you are agreeing to be a willing participant. Participants are to be current school media specialists in public schools in Connecticut. Please understand this is only for grades 6th-8th. While many schools have other grades, my research focuses on how the perception and usage are received, so answers will pertain to those grades only. Should you teach at two or more schools, please fill it out for all schools you teach at for the selected grades.

Upon completion, the willing participant will please e-mail the answered form back to “”. Completion is voluntary, and as stated, is completely anonymous. All data will be used to compile my special project report. Thank you so much for your time and for assisting me in furthering my research. A copy of the final report will be available through Southern Connecticut State University’s Hilton C. Buley library in the thesis collection.



Caitlin Carbonell


This study has been approved by the University's Institutional Review Panel for Human Subjects (11-181). The Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is responsible for safeguarding the rights and welfare of human participants in research.  They can be reached at (203) 392-5243 should any questions or concerns arise.  


Questionnaire: Perceptions of Graphic Novels and Usage in Curriculum

Principal Investigator: Caitlin Carbonell


All information pertaining to the school district is anonymous and will only be used for Caitlin Carbonell’s data collection not the final report.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your thoughts and assistance are appreciated. If you have any questions contact Caitlin Carbonell at the below e-mail. When completed, please e-mail this survey back to Caitlin Carbonell at


Basic information:

1. In what town or city are you employed?


2. How long have you been a librarian? Number of ___ Years __ Months


Perceptions of Graphic Novels:

1. How do you feel about graphic novels? (You may check more than one)

    ____ Graphic novels are a hobby of mine

    ____ Graphic novels are for children

    ____ I purchase graphic novels for my family members/friends

    ____ I do not care for graphic novels


2. How often do you read graphic novels?

    ____ I read them regularly (once a week or more)

    ____ I read them occasionally (once a month or so)

    ____ I seldom read them (once every 3-4 months)

    ____ I never read graphic novels.


3. Should graphic novels be included in your library curriculum?

    ____ Yes

    ____ No

    ____ No opinion


4. Would it be possible for graphic novels to be included in your school’s curriculum?

    ____ Yes

    ____ No

    ____ No opinion


5. Would you accept graphic novel recommendations from students/administrators/colleagues for inclusion in the curriculum as well as independent reading?

    ____ Yes

    ____ No

    ____ No opinion



Usage of Graphic Novels:

1a. Have you used graphic novels in the curriculum?


    ____ No


1b. When did you begin to add graphic novels into your collection?

    School Year                 ______

    Does not apply  ______


2. What genres of graphic novels have you used in curriculum? (You may check more than one.)

    ____ Action/Adventure

    ____ Fantasy/Sci-Fi

    ____ Realistic fiction

    ____ Non-fiction

    ____ Biography

    ____ Other (please specify) _____________


3a. Do you have a favorite graphic novel that could be incorporated into a unit you are planning or have planned?

    ____ Yes

    ____ No

    ____ have not planned nor will be planning a unit


3b. What is the title of this graphic novel? Please write in a response or check “does not apply”.



    ___ Does not apply


4. Does your school library provide graphic novel titles for independent reading?

    ____ Yes

    ____ No


5a. If your school has graphic novels, does a single title (or series) circulate at least three times a week (quickly) or maybe twice a month (slowly)?

    ____ Three times a week

    ____ Twice a month

    ____ Other (please specify)


5b. What is most frequently circulated graphic novel in your collection? What is the most infrequently circulated graphic novel? If you do not have graphic novels in your collection, write “does not apply.”






6. Do you have any other thoughts or comments?



