New Webinars from edWeb.net
Join an edWeb PLC with free webinars on a wide range of topics. edWeb webinars include video and live chat making them an especially engaging experience. Check out the schedule of upcoming topics or view one of our recent recordings. Then visit the community for more information on future programs. Many edWeb members are discussing the Common Core State Standards - and we've just launched two new PLCs exploring the implementation of CCSS.
Implementing the Common Core State Standards Co-hosted by edWeb.net and Action Learning Systems, Inc. This free webinar series and professional learning community (PLC) will provide information and guidance on implementing the Common Core standards. Issues to be covered
include: Understanding the CCSS, Deconstructing the CCSS, Creating Assessments for the CCSS, Lesson Structure and Sequence and the CCSS, and many more. This online PLC provides educators with the ability to connect and share information with colleagues in their own state and around the country, and will help accelerate the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Members are invited to join the free monthly webinars and will receive a CE certificate for participation.
- Monday, January 23rd, 4pm Eastern Time
"Deconstructing the Common Core Standards: Analyzing for Content, Level of Cognition & Context" Presented by Jessica McCreary and Caitlin Hartman, Instructional Coaches for Action Learning Systems, with Jason Willoughby, Director for Action Learning Systems Visit the community Implementing the Common Core State Standards
Implementing Common Core Standards in Math
Sponsored by ETA/Cuisenaire
This community provides a platform, advice and support regarding the new roll out in our national math curriculum. This forum is a community in which you are encouraged to share resources, engage in discussions and collaborate with peers across the nation. The program provides free webinars, live chats, lesson plans and on-line discussions to assist teachers in connecting/collaborating with others within the same field/grade level. As a member of the community, you'll be invited to a free webinar and live chat each month that will touch on a different topic. You'll have access to all of the recorded webinars, presentations, and resources, providing you with an online learning center you can return to at any time. CE certificates are provided for attending and viewing the webinars.
- Wednesday, January 18th, 4pm Eastern Time
"Understanding the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics" Presented by Sara Delano Moore, Ph. D., Director of Mathematics and Science at ETA/Cuisenaire Visit the community Implementing Common Core Standards in Math
NEW WEBINARS coming up on edWeb.net
- Wednesday, January 18th, 3pm Eastern Time
"Resources for Online Tools and Strategies to Support Instruction" Presented by Kathy Schrock, retired Director of Technology, current professor, writer and speaker Visit the community PD in Action!
- Thursday, January 19th, 4pm Eastern Time
"SIS Gradebook - Ideas for Set-Up" Presented by Gail Palumbo, former Director of Curriculum and Technology, Montgomery Township Schools, NJ Visit the community Using Your Student Data for Student Achievement
VIEW recent webinars
We thank our sponsors for supporting these professional learning opportunities for educators.  