Many use Moodle or Google apps, a free tool that can be utilized with a unique, private login.  Check the CASL Ning for info.  See how leaders in the field are creating Learning Commons using free cloud tools. Doug Johnson is doing a pre-conference for ALA annual in Anaheim at the end of June on Cloud Computing and has written about the topic on his Blue Skunk blog.

From: "Flannery, Rebecca A." <>
Sent: Tue, January 24, 2012 11:52:57 AM
Subject: [CASL-L] drop box

My school is looking for a place to store student portfolios.  Teachers would be adding documents throughout the year and from one year to the next.  Has anyone used Dropbox on a school wide scale for something like this?  Have you used any other cloud computing services that are economical? Thank you in advance for your responses.


Rebecca Flannery

Library Media Specialist

Lyman Memorial High School

Lebanon, CT 06249

(860) 642-5702