Take a look at the eBook Forum discussion on CASL Ning.  Another place to look is Edweb's eBook community.  .  Buffy Hamilton has blogged extensively on adding eBooks.  TL Virtual Cafe has an archived webinar on adding eBooks.  All of this info is in the forum on the CASL Ning.  If your school filters social media, please access from home.

There are many CT school libraries that have incorporated eBooks in their collection.  I hope they reply to your query.

From: Brian Highland <bhighland@sjcadets.org>
To: "casl-l@mylist.net" <casl-l@mylist.net>
Cc: "naturebuf@gmail.com" <naturebuf@gmail.com>
Sent: Tue, January 24, 2012 11:12:18 AM
Subject: [CASL-L] Migrating the school library collection from print to eBooks

Dear Colleagues,

Migrating the school library collection from print to eBooks

Will you please be able to provide me with some information on this topic?

·         Are you aware of any school library in Connecticut (or elsewhere) that has migrated (or is in the process of migrating) its collections from a print to eBooks platform?

·         What plan do you have in place for this migration from print to e-books platform?

·         How did you plan for an extensive weeding of the print collections (fiction, non-fiction, textbooks)?

·         Did you encounter any problems with this migration from print to an eBooks platform?

·         Any special plans for the use of e-Readers in the library (e.g. any special reading program)?


Any feedback / recommendations will be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Brian Highland
Saint Joseph High School Library
2320 Huntington Turnpike,
Trumbull, CT 06611