Hello to all in the school library community,


First, thank you to all who have taken the LSTA survey. The information you have provided will help the Division continue to provide the most bang for the buck that we can get out of these federal dollars.


If you haven’t already taken the survey, I heartily encourage ALL to do so. It will only be open for a few more days before we need to close it down and start tabulating results. Click http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/779779/Connecticut-LSTA-Web-Survey to make your opinion count.


The original explanatory message follows:


As you may know, the Library Services and Technology Act’s (LSTA) program provides funds to each state based on a population-driven formula.  In order to qualify for the funds, states are required to submit plans every five years that outline how this funding will be used within the state to fulfill specific purposes outlined in the LSTA.


Under the Act, each state is also required to conduct an evaluation of its implementation of the Grants to States program every five years.  An evaluation covering the period between 2008 and 2012 is due in the spring of 2012.  The next five-year plan (2013 - 2017) must be completed a few months later.


The following web survey, which takes approximately 4 - 6 minutes to complete, seeks input from all types of Connecticut library and from all types of librarians, staff, Friends, and trustees.


Please take a few moments to help us as we try to improve our LSTA program to best meet the library and information service needs of the people of Connecticut.  Click on the link below to start the survey, which will be available for one week.




Douglas C. Lord

LSTA Coordinator

Division of Library Development

Connecticut State Library

Middletown Library Service Center

786 South Main Street

Middletown, CT 06457

(860) 704-2204

800-437-2313 (in CT only)


