Please excuse the cross posting
There are still seats available in the Free Workshop : Federal Information on the Internet on Feb. 22nd at the Middletown LSC. To register access the Connecticut Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @
Please Note: Workshops will be canceled if we do not receive the required minimum number of registrations for each workshop.


Federal Information on the Internet – Feb. 22nd (MLSC)
Federal web sites are a rich, accurate, and timely resource for many reference questions. Please attend this hands-on workshop where you’ll practice using terrific federal search engines and explore free agency web sites that can supplement your reference collections.

Ever get inquiries that begin…
*I hafta do a report…”
*How many people…”
*My doctor says I have…”
*“We’re going on vacation to…”
*I don’t know what they’re doing in Washington…”
*“A long time ago there used to be…”
*I need statistics on…”
*Last night on the news…”
*I want to start a business, how do I...”?

If you are curious about a particular agency, email Nancy ( with the subject line "Documents Workshop" and she’ll be sure to include it in the discussion.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Middletown Library Service Center

Fee: FREE  Limit: 12











Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library


Tele: 860 704 2206
