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NEW WEBINARS coming up on edWeb.net
- Tuesday, February 14th, 4pm Eastern Time
"BYOT aka BYOD: What You Need to Know Part III" Presented by Gail Palumbo, former Director of Curriculum and Technology, Montgomery Township Schools, NJ Join the community Technology in Schools
- Thursday, February 23rd, 4pm Eastern Time
"Re-engaging Boys in Education through Gaming" Presented by Ali Carr-Chellman, Ph.D., Head, Learning and Performance Systems, Pennsylvania State University Join the community Game-Based Learning
- Thursday, February 23rd, 5pm Eastern Time
"Making Whole Class Instruction as Powerful as One-on-one Instruction" Presented by Jason Willoughby, Director for Action Learning Systems, and Robert Crowe, Vice President of Action Learning Systems Join the community Implementing the Common Core State Standards
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