Today's CASL ning blog:

Contrary to the 22.5% quoted in this article in the Stamford Advocate "Ignoring the evidence on teacher evaluations,"  the ESEA waiver request meeting handouts recommend testing as 45-50% of a teacher's evaluation. 

In Principle 3: Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership, of the No Child Left Behind (ESEA) Waiver Request,  PEAC (the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council) proposes the following four components for Connecticut's new Teacher Evaluation System:

  1. Multiple indicators of student learning (45%)
  2. Teacher observation and professional practice (40%)
  3. Feedback from peers and parents (10%)
  4. Indicators of school-wide student learning or student feedback (5%)


The new Administrator Evaluation System will mirror the Teacher Evaluation System.

The new evaluation system will be piloted during the 2012-2013 school year with statewide implementation in 2013-2014.

The State Department of Education wants your feedback.  Read CT's proposed draft and email written feedback ( by Tuesday, February 14 at 5:00.

The waiver request must be submitted to the U.S. Department of Education by February 21, 2012.