----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Buffy Hamilton <>
Sent: Mon, February 13, 2012 12:30:56 PM
Subject: [aaslforum] Have a question for the ALA Presidential Candidates? Submit your questions now!

Hello!  I am posting this message on behalf of Steve Thomas, a public librarian in Georgia who hosts the library podcast Circulating Ideas show; he would like input from as many librarians as possible.  He will be interviewing the two candidates for ALA President on February 15, and he'd love to tap your collective wisdom to help him develop questions that reflect what YOU want from ALA and its leaders.  Please submit your questions you may have by 8PM EST tomorrow night, and he will try to incorporate as many of these as possible into the interview that will be aired very soon at Circulating Ideas.

Submit your questions by going to the Google Form at: 

Thank you for your consideration of this request!


Buffy J. Hamilton