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From: Sarles Patricia (18K500) <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sun, March 11, 2012 8:09:33 AM
Subject: [aaslforum] SHARE: New Details Surface About CC Assessments

I thought this was interesting to share that there will be a research task on the new CC tests which will be coming out in 2014-2015.

"A preliminary blueprint of PARCC's English/language arts exam shows that the performance-based assessment, spread over two days, would involve a "research simulation" that asks students to read a suite of texts, including an "anchor" text such as a speech by a prominent historical figure. They would have to answer questions that require them to cite evidence from the text for their answers and write an essay.

" ... The end-of-year exam would employ six literary and informational texts ..."

Patricia Sarles, MA, MLS
Jerome Parker Campus Library
100 Essex Drive
Staten Island, NY 10314
718-370-6900 x1322

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