Please join the New England School Library Association for an exciting professional development opportunity on March 24:

An Un-Conference led by Patrick Larkin (Principal, Burlington (MA) High School and Shannon McClintock Miller

Join these innovative educators as they lead participants in problem-solving and idea sharing that actually matters to the participants--because they help create the agenda. Learn how cutting-edge colleagues are using social media, iPads, and other technologies to differentiate instruction, excite students and teachers, and collaborate with colleagues. Encourage colleagues from your district to participate to receive a special rate. For complete information and registration check out the NESLA website here.

Celebrate the freedom to read and learn with American Association of School Librarians (AASL) on Banned Websites Awareness Day (October 3, 2012). Learn more about the 2011 event in the New York Times.

Michelle Luhtala, AASL Region I Director-Elect
Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School
Professional Learning Facilitator,
(817) 458 8692