Cool.  FYI

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From: Sarles Patricia (18K500) <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Mon, April 2, 2012 7:36:54 AM
Subject: [aaslforum] SHARE: SideVibe

I used to create paper handouts for students to use when evaluating and getting information from Web sites. Then just yesterday I came across this really cool tool that allows me to create the worksheet online. It is a gadget (called a vibe) that "floats" over the web page or pages that you preselect. Based on the activity that you choose, students will answer questions about the Web site in the floating vibe. I think kids will really enjoy it. Take a look at the one I created so you can see:

If the above link doesn't work, use the student account I created. (Students will not need email addresses to sign up).

username: aaa

password: kox5o1sg.

Click on view topic (digestive system) and then click open. The vibe should open along with a web site. There are 3 web sites to choose from. Click on next vibe, then next vibe to get a feel for the paperless worksheet that I created.

And here's the web site if you want to test it out yourself. It took me a while to create the content and to view all the tutorials:

Here's what one ed blogger had to say about sidvibe:

"SideVibe is a web based teaching tool which replaces the old-fashioned handouts by putting the worksheet on your screen. Neither you nor your students need to print anything because all the learning, testing and homeworking can be done online. The worksheets or task sheets are created by the teacher and they are attached to the web page you choose for your students to explore or read. The teacher can choose from the three types of activity vibes or a discussion vibe. The students register with the teacher's code (provided by the site) and are automatically listed in the teacher's account. After the students do the task, you assess their work online and send them feedback - without printing a single strip of paper."

Patricia Sarles, MA, MLS
Jerome Parker Campus Library
100 Essex Drive
Staten Island, NY 10314
718-370-6900 x1322

The Internet may be the world's greatest library, but let's face it - all the books are scattered on the floor.  - D.C. Denison, Boston Globe

Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant. - Mitchell Kapor

To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction ... The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. - Martin Luther King, Jr., The Purpose of Education
