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From: edWeb <>
To: Irene Kwidzinski <>
Sent: Wed, April 4, 2012 10:01:23 PM
Subject: Digest from Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program at the edWeb

Digest from Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program at the edWeb

This is a digest of activity from the community Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program.


Upcoming Webinar 4/11: eContent Delivery
A new posting from Erin Pettus (Communications Coordinator,


Join us for the next webinar!
eContent delivery (revisited): eBooks, eCollection, digital resources, & eTextbooks
Wednesday, April 11th - 5PM Eastern Time
In This Session
In April 2011, almost 200 participants joined the Emerging Tech eBook webinar. That session highlighted the diverging interests of publishers, vendors, authors, librarians and educators to deliver eContent. The presentation raised more questions than it answered. A year later, we will revisit those questions and assess progress in meeting stakeholder needs.
To Participate in the Live Session
- Login at at the scheduled time.
- There is no pre-registration for this event. 
- This webinar will be recorded and archived in this community for viewing at anytime.
About the Presenter
Michelle Luhtala is the Head Librarian, at New Canaan High School in New Canaan, CT.  She is the winner of the 2011 "I Love My Librarian" Award.
This program is sponsored by Follett Software Company.

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