April 2012 library webinars have been updated.  Descriptions and registration information is listed below. When an archived version of the webinar is available a link will be made available on the Continuing Education Calendar @ http://evanced.info/cslib/evanced/eventcalendar.asp
OCLC: Virtual Connections - Apr. 10th (Online)
Get connected with your library patrons! Connecting with patrons in the online world is vital for libraries. Learn how to build and maintain virtual, internet-based connections with your patrons by utilizing the tools they are increasingly using themselves, including Google Plus, QR Codes, and Pinterest. We will focus on how to get started with these platforms and how to immediately put them to use for your library. You will also be provided with ideas to expand your use of these great connection-oriented tools. Learn how libraries are growing virtual community connections and engaging with their patrons. Visit http://bit.ly/H0Kwm4 to register
OCLC: Best Practices in Virtual Reference: Virtual Reference in Tough Times - Apr. 24th (Online)
In tough economic times, everything gets a turn on the chopping block. Make the case for virtual reference to your funding bodies and show them the impact you have online. Hear what has an impact on funders and learn what features are most valuable to your library. Despite the best advocacy, paying for virtual reference still may not make the cut. Explore what free options you have and hear how they've worked for those already using the service. Know what you really need to have in a virtual reference service to make it work for your community. Visit http://bit.ly/wqAzam to register
InfoPeople: Healing Reads: Bibliotherapy for the 21st Century - Apr. 17th (Online)
The popularity of bibliotherapy has seen a resurgence in the last few years with an emphasis on using both fiction and non-fiction reading in highly creative ways. Its aim now is to increase individual well-being rather than simply focus on self-help and psychological disorders. These changes offer a renewed role for bibliotherapy in your library!
*Does your Library Mission include a call to serve the educational and developmental needs of your community?
*Are you looking for ways to engage a wide representation of your community?
*Do your professional goals include reaching out to the most vulnerable, sensitive, and in need of help and enriching their lives?
*Did you know that bibliotherapy is a perfect way to serve your community and address your Library Mission - all while offering the most rewarding programming of your career?
This webinar will review the benefits of bibliotherapy for all ages, provide examples of programming and services available, and share with you how to incorporate the use of bibliotherapy into your library.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
*Know the definition and stages of bibliotherapy
*Learn the benefits and limitations of bibliotherapy
*Know four ways bibliotherapy has been used in libraries
*Learn ways to implement bibliotherapy services in a library setting
Visit http://infopeople.org/training/bibliotherapy to register
InfoPeople: Leveraging Technology to Support Early Literacy in the Library - Apr. 24th (Online)
*Thinking of enhancing early literacy environments in your library?
*Wanting to learn more about technology for young children?
*Can't decide what type of early literacy technology to add to your library?
This webinar will review the benefits of technology for young children, the types of technology available, and how to incorporate the technology into your library. Find out how libraries can play a role in enhancing early literacy technology experiences and the importance of promoting technology for all ages.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will understand:
*the debate over technology use for young children
*how technology can be used to enhance early literacy
*the types of early literacy technology available
*how early literacy technology connects with Every Child Ready to Read 2
*the libraries role in offering early literacy technology
Visit http://infopeople.org/training/leveraging-technology to register
GLA: WordPress for Library Websites – Apr. 25th (Online)
Does your organization need a new web site? One that is more dynamic, easy to update and can easily incorporate social media and other ways to communicate with your library’s patrons/customers? WordPress (free, opensource) may be the answer. WordPress is a powerful web Content Management System (CMS) that has grown far beyond its origins as a blogging tool.

WordPress can be used to power your library website and help you build a dynamic web presence for your library, school, personal web site, business or other project. Its ease of use and flexibility make it a perfect choice for libraries that are struggling to keep their websites up to date and/or looking for a more up-to-date look for their website. Its extensibility via plugins and other customizations make it a great choice for more complex sites as well.

This webinar will cover:
*Examples of sites built with WordPress
*Why WordPress is a great choice for schools & libraries
*Hosting options and requirements
*WordPress.com vs WordPress.org
*Making it look great: Themes
*Building blocks of WordPress: Posts & Pages and more!
Visit http://gla.georgialibraries.org/mediawiki/index.php/Carterette_Series_Webinars to register 
InfoPeople: Teen Literature Update 2012 - Apr. 26th (Online)
Are you wondering:
*What the latest thing in YA literature is?
*Who are the emerging authors, and the ones falling out of favor?
*What are the best resources for evaluating books for YAs?
*If graphic novels are just comic books in disguise?
*If reading online is really reading?
The world of young adult literature is an inherently dynamic one and one that, in the last decade, has become among the most active in publishing. Each new publishing season brings a plethora of new titles, new forms, and new formats, many of which require new methods of evaluation. Keeping up with all of these changes and the new titles flooding the market can be a full-time job. This webinar will help students identify new trends and the best new titles and resources for collection development.
At the end of this webinar, attendees will be familiar with current:
*Trends informing the dynamic field of young adult literature
*YA Fiction - both novels of realism and genre fiction - that are 'first selections' for YA collections
*Non-fiction for both recreational and classroom use
*Graphic novels and comics
*Useful resources for collection development
Visit http://infopeople.org/training/teen-literature-update-2012 to register
TechSoup: Quickbooks Made Easy for Nonprofits & Libraries! - Apr. 18th (Online)
Need an easy way to handle your organization's accounting transactions? Join our free webinar, QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits and Libraries! to learn more about how you can streamline your day-to-day business with the new 2012 updates to Intuit's QuickBooks.
During this webinar, we will be hearing from instructor Gregg Bossen about how this tool can aid your nonprofit or library, giving you an in-depth look at the new updates to the QuickBooks software.  Visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/470851657 to register



Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

Email: Kris.Abery@ct.gov

Tele: 860 704 2206

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/LibraryofCT