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From: Sarles Patricia (18K500) <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sat, April 14, 2012 1:24:40 PM
Subject: [aaslforum] SHARE: Watch 10 Celebrities Read Famous Poems Aloud

Students may like this:

"In honor of National Poetry month, we have been amping up our poetic coverage a little bit, from suggesting poems you can memorize to celebrating our favorite bad-ss poets. But since poetry is really meant to be read aloud, we’ve also been celebrating the month by listening to some of our favorite celebrities reading famous poems. Now, audio recordings of celebrities — especially (British) actors — reading poetry are a dime a dozen, so we decided to limit the field to actual videos of celebrities performing readings and recitations, whether on stage, in a more intimate setting, or filmed solo. Click through to watch a few of your favorite public personas read you some poetry."

Patricia Sarles, MA, MLS
Jerome Parker Campus Library
100 Essex Drive
Staten Island, NY 10314
718-370-6900 x1322

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