----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jessica Shurlow <>
Sent: Wed, May 2, 2012 8:49:13 AM
Subject: [aaslforum] OT- Elem. Position Announcement


Now that things are officially official I'd like to let everyone know that there will be a full time position at Lothrop Elementary School in Pittsford, VT (rural southwestern VT). Right in the shadow of Killington/Pico if you like to ski/snowboard/telemark and on the edge of the Green Mountain National Forest. I could go on but let's just say the outdoor opportunities are endless!

Here is the link to the SchoolSpring ad:

Lothrop is a GREAT school with an awesomely supportive principal. Email me if you have any questions!

"If you're referring to the incident with the dragon I was barely involved."
~ Gandalf the Grey

(Librarians) "are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them." ~ Michael Moore, author/film maker.