My principal and I are wondering how to staff the library when I am not on duty (lunch, prep, and after contract hours).  I am the only LMS, and the only dedicated staff.

Can you please share who covers the library before, during, and afterschool, if at all, when you are not available?

If paraprofessionals cover, are they allowed by contract?


Thank you!



Mrs. Sara Kaluzynski

Library Media Specialist

Stratford High School



45 North Parade 

Stratford, CT  06615

Phone (203) 385-4245

Fax (203) 381-6926

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one."

Neil Gaiman

"Liberrian: One who picks liberries from wild liberry bushes and makes a liberry pie."--R. Lee Hadden (Library Juice)