Please excuse the cross posting 
There are still seats available in the OCLC Connexion Client workshop on June 21st at the Middletown Library Service Center.  To register access the Connecticut Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @  A description of the workshop follows.


Streamline Your OCLC Cataloging with OCLC Connexion Client – June 21st (Middletown LSC)
OCLC Connexion Client 2.40 offers a number of features that can help you save time and effort. Client features such as sophisticated searching, keystroke and mouse customization, macros, constant data and text strings, batch processing, and local save files can help you save work by automating and/or batching together repetitive tasks. In this hands-on workshop we'll work on an example project and have plenty of opportunity to learn and practice new techniques.


Thursday, June 21, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Middletown Library Service Center Computer Lab
Fee: $30.00  Limit: 12

















Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library


Tele: 860 704 2206
