We didn't have laptops to lend to students at Sage Park Middle School unless there was an IEP.  The laptops we have are in carts and are used as part of classes in school.

From: casl-l-bounces+kpalazzolo=windsorct.org@mylist.net [mailto:casl-l-bounces+kpalazzolo=windsorct.org@mylist.net] On Behalf Of David Bilmes
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:46 AM
To: CASL listserv
Cc: rustm@northstonington.k12.ct.us
Subject: [CASL-L] TARGET: Lending laptops to students


I am posting this on behalf of Maureen Rust. Please respond directly to her, not to me!

Today a parent has requested her child be allowed to “check out” a laptop for use over the weekend. She will need a laptop because she is attending a girl scout event and will not be able to use her home computer to complete some school assignments. We currently do not have a policy about lending laptops for student use outside of school. My principal has asked that I check with other area librarians to see if anyone else has a policy or has had a similar request.


Maureen Rust

School Library Media Specialist

Wheeler High School/Middle School

298 Norwich Westerly Road

North Stonington, CT 06359



860.535.0377 x 191


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