There are still seats available in the  following July CE workshops.  To register access the Connecticut State Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @
Beyond the Bullet Point: Better Presentations! - July 13th (MLSC)
In this workshop, you will learn how to present information that does not rely on bullet points and the usual ho-hum presentation formats.
You will learn ways to effectively engage your audience, discover low-cost and free resources for graphics to help you deliver your message, examine alternative presentation tools, gain an overview of tools to create powerful data visualizations, and select appropriate tools to make your next presentation more effective.
Accidental Public Relations Manager- or "Help! - I Have To Promote My Library - July 16th (Pt.1) AND July 23rd (Pt.2) (WLSC)
Are you suddenly responsible for promoting your library's programs or services? Perplexed about how to get coverage in the local press? Can't see to get the word out at the right time and in the right place?
Note: You are expected to attend both sessions of the workshop.
Jennifer Keohane will share tips, how-to's, and do's & don'ts to help you get not only get the word out but to also get the message to the right people. She'll show you how to create a system to effectively maximize your time in promoting your library's programs and services.
You'll learn:
*What is marketing and pr (public relations)
*How to find pr opportunities in your library
*How to create a marketing strategy and promotion plan
*The do's & don't of writing press releases
*The role of social media in library pr
*How & where to focus your pr efforts
*How to evaluate your efforts
Retouching Pictures with Adobe Photoshop CS5 - July 19th (Darien PL)
This hands-on training session will explore many features of this powerful digital picture-retouching program. These retouched pictures can then be used on your web pages or in your print advertising. We will be using Adobe Photoshop version CS5
Topics will include:
Sharpening areas of a photograph.
Blurring sections.
Adding text effects.
Applying filters to change the impact of a photograph.
Re-coloring sections.
Changing background patterns.
Combining pictures.
Feathering edges.
Working with layers
Understanding the history palette
Outlook - It's more than Email! - July 25th (MLSC)
If you think that Outlook is only an email program this class is for you. We'll start with the email features of the program and then explore the Calendar, Contacts, Journal and To Do Lists. You'll become the power user in your library.
At this workshop you will:
*Add options to your email, including voting buttons
*Organizing your mail with folders
*Define auto signatures
*Look at rules for managing spam
*Create meetings and extend electronic invitations
*Define contacts and groups
*Use To Dos and share them with others
*Track entries in the Journal
July & August OCLC/WebJunction Webinars:
OCLC: Grant Writing for Libraries Serving Children - July 11th (Online)
Grant funding is one way to find resources to support innovative programming and services for children. In this webinar, the presenters share advice about finding, writing, and submitting grant opportunities. Information will also be shared about specific grants that focus on diversity, literacy and libraries and are relevant for school and public libraries. Participants will be provided with an opportunity to ask questions and share related experiences. This webinar is presented in collaboration with the Darden College of Education, Old Dominion University and made possible through the LUCY grant from IMLS. For additional details and registration information visit:
OCLC: Librarians are Wikipedians Too - Thursday, August 2, 2012,  2 pm EST
Early Registration:
Wikipedia is an increasingly prominent player in the web search environment, and more people are finding it "a good place to start research." Despite open questions regarding quality, Wikipedia shares common goals with libraries in ensuring free accessibility to information, and relying on authoritative sources. This presentation will overview the past efforts and future potential of libraries and librarians working with Wikipedia. Discussed are strategies to drive web- and foot-traffic to libraries through the use of Wikipedia. Plus powerful tips and tricks are revealed into the software and policies of Wikipedia, helping librarians to critically address quality for themselves.
Presented by: Max Klein<>, Wikipedian in Residence at OCLC Research
OCLC: Telling the Library Story - Thursday, August 23, 2012, 1 pm EST
Early Registration:
Learn how to tell a succinct, powerful story about the value of libraries. Based on OCLC's "From Awareness to Funding<>" and the latest findings of brain research, this session focuses on turning the evidence of our daily patron encounters into short, compelling, and memorable messages that build support.
Presented by: Jamie LaRue, director, Douglas County Libraries (CO), blogger<>, and chair of committee who created The Big Hairy Audacious Goal<>, a public library advocacy initiative.
If you are unable to attend a workshop visit  WebJunction Connecticut @
To Preview the Course Catalog:  OR  Request Course Access visit:
Free online courses for Connecticut library staff through the WebJunction Connecticut website. The course list includes, but is not limited to:
Microsoft Office Suite (Access, Excel, Word, etc.)
Adobe Applications (InDesign, Acrobat, Captivate, etc.)
Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation
Basic Web Reference
Customer Service Fundamentals: Building Rapport
Dealing with Angry Patrons
Introduction to Cataloging for Non-Catalogers
Keeping It Simple: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Library
Leadership Essentials
Marketing Essentials
Planning Story Times for Children
Readers Advisory Services
You Can Do It: A Recipe for Designing Web-based Instruction



Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

