Please excuse the cross posting


A new workshop, Accidental Marketing Librarian - or Help! - I Have To Promote My Library has been scheduled for August 2012 at the Willimantic Library Service Center. To register access the Continuing Education Calendar of Events @

PLEASE NOTE:  The workshop will be canceled if we do not receive a minimum of 8 registrations for the class


Accidental Marketing Librarian - or Help! - I Have To Promote My Library – July 16th (Pt.1) AND July 23rd (Pt.2) @ WLSC
Are you suddenly responsible for promoting your library's programs or services? Perplexed about how to get coverage in the local press? Can't see to get the word out at the right time and in the right place? The information covered in this workshop will be useful to libraries of all sizes and budgets.

Note: You are expected to attend both sessions of the workshop.

Jennifer Keohane will share tips, how-to's, and do's & don'ts to help you get not only get the word out but to also get the message to the right people. She'll show you how to create a system to effectively maximize your time in promoting your library's programs and services.

You'll learn:
*What is marketing and pr (public relations)
*How to find pr opportunities in your library
*How to create a marketing strategy and promotion plan
*The do's & don't of writing press releases
*The role of social media in library pr
*How & where to focus your pr efforts
*How to evaluate your efforts












Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

