Please excuse the cross posting
There are seats available in the  following August  Continuing Education workshops.  To register access the Connecticut State Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @
Word 2010 - Aug. 8th (Bristol PL)
Devote a day to mastering the topic in this workshop and multiply the efficiency with which you can work in Word 2010. Learn how to do mail merges the easy way. Eliminate inconsistent tabs and indents, create and format tables with ease, and discover great tips on applying attractive customized formats. In addition workshop participants will explore how to change the tools on tool bars, and work with graphical objects in their document.
Topics will include:
Mail merge made easy
Copying information between documents
Creating and using styles
Indents, tabs, and tables
Customized bullets and special characters
Tailoring the toolbar to suit you
Managing graphics within a document
SummerTeen: A Celebration of Young Adult Books Online Event - August 9th @ MLSC & WLSC
Join School Library Journal and SLJTeen for SummerTeen: A Celebration of Young Adult Books and take your summer reading to new heights!
Be the first to find out about the hottest upcoming titles and trends for your young adult collection as some of the most popular YA authors talk about their books,their readers and why they write.
SummerTeen will bring together a blockbuster keynote with presentations on topics near and dear to the hearts of youth services and school librarians including the hottest genres and latest formats. Experience the excitement of the virtual exhibit floor with new offerings from publishers and sponsors, new book trailers, prizes and give-aways and much more.
Summerteen is a must for:
School and youth services librarians
Collection development librarians
Directors and administrators
Anyone who loves YA/teen lit
Coffee/Registration: 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Program: 11:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Who Will Mend This Broken Heart?
Romance and relationship novels are always popular with teens. These types of titles can provide the perfect escape for the recently crushed and currently hopeful, and maybe impart a little advice to those in any phase of their relationships.
Classic Twists
Imagine getting handed The Odyssey, annotated and unabridged, on the first day of high school. It happens to freshman everywhere-can't you just hear the collective groan? A little sugar, along with some companion titles, can help the medicine go down. For those that can't get enough, it seems like we'll never run out of "eyre!"
The Science in Science Fiction
Talk to adults that read science fiction, and most will tell you that they started in the genre as a teen. Good science fiction can ignite a spark in young readers which allows them to imagine a world beyond the one they live in.
Alternate Formats-New Approaches to Teen Fiction
There's been a rush of books being produced in hybrid or nontraditional highly visual storytelling formats such as Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral's Chopsticks, David Levithan's Every You, Every Me, and Andi Buchanan's multimedia title Gift.We'll hear what goes into the creation and production of these unusual types of books that have teen appeal for both high and low level readers.
Rockin' Women of YA
Put on your sunglasses and prepare to be dazzled by the star power we've assembled for this panel! You'll hear from the hottest female authors in the teen lit stratosphere about their newest titles, and what's up for them next.
Aftermath Lit
There is no denying that teen interest in dystopian and apocalyptic fiction is continuing to grow. Young adult readers can enjoy a variety of settings, characters and plots in stories that combine history, survival skills, and intense personal relationships. Whether the challenges and disasters are natural or manmade, teens love rooting for the underdogs and the displaced, putting themselves into the same situations they find their most loved (and hated) characters in.
Streamline Your OCLC Cataloging with OCLC Connexion Client - August 14th (MLSC)
OCLC Connexion Client 2.40 offers a number of features that can help you save time and effort. Client features such as sophisticated searching, keystroke and mouse customization, macros, constant data and text strings, batch processing, and local save files can help you save work by automating and/or batching together repetitive tasks. In this hands-on workshop we'll work on an example project and have plenty of opportunity to learn and practice new techniques.<>
If you are unable to attend a workshop visit  WebJunction Connecticut @
To Preview the Course Catalog:  OR  Request Course Access visit:
Free online courses for Connecticut library staff through the WebJunction Connecticut website. The course list includes, but is not limited to:
Microsoft Office Suite (Access, Excel, Word, etc.)
Adobe Applications (InDesign, Acrobat, Captivate, etc.)
Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation
Customer Service Fundamentals: Building Rapport
Dealing with Angry Patrons
Keeping It Simple: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Library
Marketing Essentials
Planning Story Times for Children
Readers Advisory Services
Strategic Planning and Positioning for IT Projects 
Using your Desktop Computer and Mobile Devices Safely 
You Can Do It: A Recipe for Designing Web-based Instruction





















Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

