Please excuse the cross posting.
The following library webinars are being offered in July. Descriptions and registration information are listed below.
GLA: Emerging Technologies: Tips and Strategies for Success in Libraries - July 18th (Online)
Emerging technologies have become an ever-present part of our academic lives. From communicating with library supporters to providing resources for distance learners, educators must think about the tools we use and how we use them. What do we use? How? Why? These are some of the questions that constantly present themselves as we wade through the pool of emerging technologies. For libraries that do not have staff dedicated to digital initiatives, deciding on which tools to use and how to effectively use them can be challenging. This session aims to provide practical insight into understanding emerging technologies and tips for identifying and implementing relevant tools and services.
For additional details and registration information visit: 
InfoPeople: Hack Your Career: Dream Job FTW! - July 18th (Online)
*Do you know what your dream job is, but don't quite know how to get it?
*Are you an ideal job candidate with less-than-ideal interview skills?
*Are you stymied by the civil service process?
There is no denying that the job market is tough these days, but there are steps you can take to ensure that your next interviewer sees you as the best candidate for the job. And for those of you who are employed, there are steps you can take to ensure that the work that you do today could help land your dream job someday.
In this webinar you will:
*Learn to approach the job search and interview process from the perspective of the person doing the hiring.
*Gain insight into how to think strategically about your current job, as well as about how to prepare to get the next one.
*Discover tips for navigating the often baffling world of the civil service application and interview.
*Learn the things that hiring managers wish every job candidate knew.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
*Identify the three questions they need to answer before beginning the job search process.
*Understand the three major ways that civil service hiring processes differ from hiring processes in the private and nonprofit sectors.
*Identify ten steps that go into successful resumes, applications and interviews, from the perspective of hiring managers.
This webinar will be of interest to public library staff (though there will be plenty of useful information for staffs of all types of libraries), library school students, job seekers, or any people who are thinking about the next stage
For additional details and registration information visit:
GLA: Designing Vibrant Libraries:  Using our Strengths to Create Libraries of the Future - July 18th (Online)
Join Michael as we take a thought-provoking stroll through library history, technology evolution and our shared humanity. We'll examine what makes libraries work at the most basic levels, and how our jobs, right now, have the potential to create a foundation for a stunningly vibrant future for libraries and the communities they serve. Come ponder concepts like need, desire, human nature, society and technology and leave more inspired about your work and your life as an information professional.
For additional details and registration information visit: 

ALA: They've Got to See it to Believe It: Getting Decision Makers Into Your Library – July 24th (Online)
Believe it or not, "build it and they will come" works with both libraries and baseball fields. It just takes a little effort to get those who determine the fate of your funding in the door. This effort is always worthwhile because studies show that in-person visits are critical for effective influence, particularly in an election year. With the last three months of the election season (phew!) around the corner, now's the time to press council members, legislators, administrators, school board members -- in fact, anyone you can think of -- to visit. And if you're concerned about whether election rules restrict your ability to be involved in advocacy at this time of year, don't be! We'll go over the rules of engagement just to be sure we're all on the same page. Join us to learn the secret strategies for getting decision makers in the door -- and eventually agreeing with you!

For additional details and registration information visit:

OCLC: Bridging the Digital Divide with Mobile Services – July 25th (Online)

The exploding popularity of smartphones and other mobile devices provides a unique opportunity for libraries to help bridge the digital divide. These devices are often discussed in the context of affluent populations and academic libraries, yet the demographics of mobile internet users are much more diverse than this, and the potential for mobile library services is correspondingly broad. Join us for this webinar brought to you in collaboration with ALA TechSource, and presented by Andromeda Yelton, author of the January issue of Library Technology Reports on the topic of Bridging the Digital Divide with Mobile Services.

We’ll talk about:
the demographics of mobile internet users, and why this matters to libraries' mission
real-life examples of online library services aimed at diverse populations
mobile friendly steps you can take even with limited time, budget, or expertise.

*If you require Closed Captioning in order to attend this webinar, please contact Jennifer Peterson by July 19

For additional details and registration information visit:


Library Journal: Managing Special Collections: Service, Security, Statistics – July 31st (Online)

Special collections are the jewels of their institutions, yet they also present unique challenges. This program will explore three topics of prime concern to special collections managers and library administrators: enhancing services to researchers, improving collections security, and supporting assessment activities and data-driven management decisions.

Join our panel of experts to learn how special collections and archives are moving into a new era using the latest techniques and tools – including Aeon, an online request and workflow management system that replaces the paper-based user registration forms and callslips that most institutions still use, even in this Internet Age. Discover the multiple benefits of moving special collections user services into the online environment, including the ability to maintain an electronic audit trail for every request and to mine data about collection usage and users.

The program will include a series of brief presentations as well as conversations with the moderators.

For additional details and registration information visit:




























Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

