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Sent: Wed, July 18, 2012 4:10:03 PM
Subject: [ALA Connect] World Book Night 2013 (new) - ALA Members

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Greetings Irene,

New Post in ALA Members
book givers >> "World Book Night 2013"
By: Danielle Alderson (staff)


WORLD BOOK NIGHT 2013 is a celebration of literacy by publishers, bookstores, libraries and individuals who love books and reading.  On WORLD BOOK NIGHT 2013, 25,000 “book givers” will each give away 20 copies of a specially-printed, not-for-resale WBN edition of book they have read and loved (from a list of 25-30 titles selected by librarians and booksellers) to complete strangers – people who may never have owned a book of their own.  To promote this literacy event, libraries and bookstores – as organizational participants in the event – form a nationwide advocacy and distribution network.

If you are interested please fill out the form and return to Danielle M. Alderson at, fax to 312.280.5013 or mail to Attn:  Danielle M. Alderson, American Library Association, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.

The application deadline is September 1, 2012.

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