Seats still available in the Free Webinar: Homework Help with iCONN  and Free Webinar: Health & Wellness  Resource Center  schedule for August 17th and August 20th. To register online visit: 
Free Webinar: Homework Help with iCONN - August 17th (Online)
This webinar focuses on Gale's homework helper resources. We'll use actual school assignments to explore the In Context resources (Science, U.S. History, World History, Biography), perfect for middle and high school students. We'll also take a look at Kids InfoBits for elementary age students. We'll also take a quick look at Testing and Education Reference Center for students preparing for college and careers
Free Webinar: Health & Wellness  Resource Center - August 20th (Online)
This workshop will focus on using the health resources available from iCONN - Health and Wellness Resource Center and Health Reference Center Academic. Certainly these resources have extensive coverage of medical issues but how about using them in another way? You can discover tips for healthy living - find recipes, exercise tips, and more! Take advantage of Health Reference Center Academic's to save research and set up search alerts for important topics. Tune into this workshop to uncover ways to use these resources with your patrons and students!
If you are unable to attend a workshop visit  WebJunction Connecticut @
To Preview the Course Catalog:  OR  Request Course Access visit:
Free online courses for Connecticut library staff through the WebJunction Connecticut website. The course list includes, but is not limited to:
Microsoft Office Suite (Access, Excel, Word, etc.)
Adobe Applications (InDesign, Acrobat, Captivate, etc.)
Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation
Basic Web Reference
Customer Service Fundamentals: Building Rapport
Dealing with Angry Patrons
Keeping It Simple: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Library
Leadership Essentials
Marketing Essentials
Planning Story Times for Children
Readers Advisory Services















Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

