----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Erin Pettus <>
To: Irene Kwidzinski <>
Sent: Thu, August 2, 2012 1:14:14 PM
Subject: Mobile Learning Webinar 8/9: How Schools Use iPads to Increase Learning


Join us for the next webinar!
How Schools Use iPads to Increase Learning: Three Case Studies
Thursday, August 9th - 4PM Eastern Time
In This Session
Want to make your classroom more individualized, efficient, and fun? In our community’s next webinar, David Vinca, Founder of eSpark Learning, and his colleague Colleen Loftus, will show you how three schools revitalized learning with successful iPad implementations.  They’ll begin with Mineola SD in New York, and discuss the value of letting students take home devices. David and Colleen will share how iPads can be used to increase hands-on, individualized learning and raise achievement levels on assessments, just like this New York school district did.  Next, they will explore the unique ways that iPads can improve opportunities for Special Education populations.  We’ll see how the KIPP charter school network in Chicago used iPads to improve learning outcomes of their special education students. Their final case study will show how the Utica School District re-imagined kindergarten.  Hear all about this innovative program, including the efficient way the iPad hardware was deployed in this Michigan district.  Join David and Colleen on August 9th for ideas on how to use iPads to invigorate your classrooms.
To Participate in the Live Session
- Login at at the scheduled time.
- There is no pre-registration for this event. 
- This webinar will be recorded and archived in this community for viewing at anytime.
About the Presenters
David Vinca is the Founder and CEO of eSpark Learning. Before eSpark, David was a classroom educator who used computer simulations with his students. He also served as a management consultant for ZS Associates. David has a BS from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from the University of Chicago. 
Colleen Loftus is eSpark Learning’s Curriculum Coordinator and an educator. She has taught in a variety of public education settings in the Chicagoland area. Colleen has a BA in Elementary Education from North Central College and a Master of Education from Benedictine University. 
This program is co-hosted by and CoSN.
This program is sponsored by AT&T.