What's at the Conference:
Keynote by Adam Bellow
Featured Speakers Hands-on Workshops
Exhibit Hall
Teacher Show & Tell
Meet the Authors Round Table Discussions
Book Store
Earn CEUs Free Wireless Access
Free Parking
and much more...
Where: Connecticut Convention Center 100 Columbus Boulevard Hartford, CT 06103  Driving Directions
Irene Kwidzinski CECA ID#: 2836 |
Early Registration Deadline: September 30
Time is almost up to take advantage of the CECA/CASL early registration for $150.
Connect2Learn is for Everyone!
Classroom Teachers, Administrators, Librarians,
Technology Specialists, and others...
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Keynote Adam Bellow is the founder of eduTecher, a free web resource for teachers, students, and parents that finds and explains how to use free Webtools in the
classroom. He also currently works as the Senior Director of AP Student Services and Educational Technology for The College Board and was recently named Outstanding Young Educator of the Year by ISTE. Additional biographical information can be found at the CECA website at www.ceca-ct.org.
In addition to Adam, we will have featured Authors Lizzy Rockwell and Jake Halpern presenting during our break-out sessions as well as educators from TEQ presenting SmartBoard integration for all levels. Some of you might have seen TEQ at The Celebration of Teaching Learning conference or at recent ISTE conferences . In addition to our featured presenters, we will have a combination of hands-on sessions, round
table discussions and our traditional presenter presentations. The fun begins at 7:30 at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.
Click Here to check out all the Conference Sessions
Check out the Un-Conference with Patrick Larkin the day before CECA /CASL 2012 on Sunday, October 28, at the Hartford Plaza Hotel.
Click Here for October 28th Un-Conference details
For more information, contact:
Rick Wood
registrar@cecainfo.org CECA, Inc.
PO Box 31 Bethlehem, CT 06751
Voicemail: 860.631.3132 Fax: 866.923.8823