The following updated listing of library webinars have been scheduled for Sept. 2012. Descriptions and registration information is listed below. When an archived version of the webinar is available a link will be made available on the Continuing Education Calendar @
GLA: Circulating Ideas: Creating a Personal Learning Network for Librarians Sept. 19th (Online)
The field of librarianship is evolving at a rapidly-increasing pace, making it more important than ever to keep up with new ideas and trends. A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is one of the best ways to stay on top of new developments. Join Steve Thomas as he talks about what a PLN is and explores ways you can create and curate your own to increase your professional knowledge base and connect with your peers.
For additional details and registration information visit:
GLA: 23 Things: The Next Generation - Sept. 19th (Online)
The 23 Things concept is familiar to most of us in the library world. Some have tried it out, some have tried a version of it, some still have doubts about whether it works, and some think it's over. Well, I'm here to tell you, it's still going strong! Nebraska's state-wide lifelong learning program, Nebraska Learns 2.0<>, started as a 16 week program in 2008-2009. The original program was so popular it has continued as an ongoing program, with one new Thing offered each month since April 2009. Starting in February 2012, a BookThing was added to the program. Program organizer Christa Burns will talk about the process over the past few years, how they've responded to participant feedback, and how the program became what it is today. She will also show other current examples of self-directed online learning programs, such as Boston Public Library's Learning for Life Online and the UK-based 23 Things for Professional Development.
For additional details and registration information visit:
InfoPeople: The Mobile Revolution and Libraries: An Overview – Sept. 27th (Online)
Series: The Mobile Revolution and Libraries 1st of 4
The mobile revolution – the use of mobile devices to access information, communication, and entertainment networks and services from many locations – is one of the fastest, most pervasive technological revolutions in the history of humankind. The pace of change, the plethora of devices and new versions, the battle for operating system supremacy, and the app explosion have resulted in a dizzying matrix of problems, challenges, and opportunities for libraries and staff.

To manage and strive in this revolution what strategies are best for your library and your customers, now and into the foreseeable future?

Libraries are striving to respond in thoughtful, efficient ways to the use of personal portable devices in physical libraries as well as providing access to library content, services, and systems for customers on the go in various locations.

The mobile revolution demands active discussion, earnest thought, thoughtful play, careful but accelerated planning, and determined action by libraries.

At the end of this webinar, the first of a four-part series, participants will:
*Better understand the types of mobile devices, operating systems, and networks available
*Know the four essential activities conducted on mobile devices
*Have explored how the mobile revolution is both the apotheosis of the "library without walls" movement as well as a revitalizing challenge for bricks and mortar libraries
*Assess the services libraries can offer on mobile devices
*Identify at least three ways libraries can influence publishers of mobile content

In the first of our four-part series, this webinar will be of interest to library staff on all levels from all types of libraries, especially public services and information technology library workers, as well as middle and senior management.

Webinar 1: The Mobile Revolution and Libraries Sep 27, 2012.
Webinar 2: Text a Librarian Nov 15, 2012.
Webinar 3: QR Codes Jan 17, 2013.
Webinar 4: Mobile Website Design Mar 14, 2013.
For additional details and registration information visit: 





Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

