Don't Miss this AASL Webinar!
How to be a Ninja Warrior Filter Fighter!
Complimentary Banned Websites Awareness Day Webinar
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
7 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. CDT/5 p.m. MDT/4 p.m. PDT
Register Now
In honor of
Banned Websites Awareness Day, this webinar will focus on how overly restrictive filtering of legitimate, educational websites and academically useful social networking tools affects student learning. Presenter Gwyneth Jones will also share what school librarians can do to fight this type of restrictive filtering in their schools.
Gwyneth A. Jones, aka The Daring Librarian, is a middle school teacher librarian, a blogger, a Tweeter, a public speaker, a citizen of Social Media, and a resident of Second Life. Gwyneth is a Google Certified Teacher, DEN Star, member of the ISTE Board of Directors, was named an Innovator and one of Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers 2011, a Gale/Cengage New Leader, and is the author of the award winning Daring Librarian blog. Admittedly, she’s also a goofball, a geek,
and very, very humble. Register Now!
Registrations will be accepted until 12:00pm on Wednesday, October 3. A seat in the webinar is guaranteed to the first 100 attendees. As a webinar registrant, you will receive follow-up correspondence from AASL.