Please excuse the cross posting
The following Connecticut State Library Continuing Education workshops have been scheduled for October 2012. To register access the Connecticut Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @
Libratects at the Avon Public Library - October 10th (Avon PL)
Libratects is a lecture series where public libraries describe their building process to create an improved library facility. The next Libratects will be on the addition and renovation of the Avon Free Public Library and will be held on Wednesday, October 10, 9:30 am at the Library. Sponsored by the Division of Library Development of the Connecticut State Library and the Avon Free Public Library, speakers will be Architect, Peter Wells, Library Building Committee Chair, Diane Hornaday, Board President, Mary Suter, Capital Campaign Chair, Mark Nolan, State Librarian, Kendall Wiggin, and Library Director, Ginny Vocelli. Following the workshop, there will be a tour.
iCONN: From BCRC to Business Insights: Essentials - Oct. 12th (Middletown LSC) - FREE
The critically lauded Business & Company Resource Center has been Gale's cornerstone business resource for more than a decade. But a lot has changed since its initial release in 2000. Today's business researchers demand instant access to reliable, comprehensive data and the tools to analyze and interpret the information. That's why we're transforming Business & Company Resource Center into Business Insights: Essentials. Join us for this workshop to learn about the exciting new changes!
Homework Help with iCONN - Oct. 12th (Middletown LSC) FREE
Did you know iCONN provides student centered e-resources aimed at school curriculum? In this workshop we'll explore these resources (Biography In Context, Science In Context, U.S. History In Context, World History In Context, Kids InfoBits ) as well as ways to encourage teachers and students to use them!
The Connecticut Forum on Digital Initiatives: Digital Communities : The Evolving Interaction of Technology and Cultural Heritage – Oct. 22nd (LOB)
The Connecticut Forum on Digital Initiatives brings together libraries, archives, museums, and cultural heritage institutions from around Connecticut and beyond to talk about the digital initiatives happening in our historic state. The Forum is a chance for the diverse voices within the cultural heritage sector to talk about ideas, projects and tools with which they are engaged. The theme of this Forum is collaboration, and how working collaboratively can enhance a project and create communities of value. From simple collaborative collections to complex grant partnerships, by working together we can maximize our resources and create a greater impact. We will explore the impact of the Digital Humanities community on the Library, Archive and Museum community and discover new avenues of collaboration. So join us in building a better digital community that will move Connecticut forward.

Basic PC Maintenance - Oct. 30th (Willimantic LSC)
Is your PC running slower? Have you ever defragged a drive? How do you protect your computer from Trojans and spyware? Learn some simple tips to keep your PC running longer and faster in this hands-on class.
OCLC: Incubate Leadership @ Your Library - Oct. 16th (Online)
Effective leadership in a library community is not performed by any one person. Instead, it is a collective act of many players contributing their toolset of complementary and evolving skills. Leadership "incubates" best in an environment nurtured by collaborative and continuous learning; it often grows accidentally, sometimes unbeknownst to the leader-to-be. Through peer mentoring and other methods, explore ways to create a generative space that nourishes the infectious qualities of leadership. Develop a network of seasoned learners who will incubate leadership, both within your library and in support of the broader community, collaboratively building and leading a rich and fulfilling learning organization.
For additional details and registration information visit:
OCLC: Freedom Rings in Philadelphia: Community Technology Adoption - Oct. 25th (Online)
The Freedom Rings Partnership is a digital inclusion initiative funded by Federal stimulus monies. We are bringing Internet access, computer assistance and digital opportunities to Philadelphians with the least access to broadband. Comprised of a coalition of grassroots organizations, government, and universities, we proudly count People's Emergency Center and the Free Library of Philadelphia as Managing Partners in this city-wide effort. Extending beyond the library and traditional organizational walls, our public-computing centers-KEYSPOTS-are located in community organizations that have the trust of their constituents; technology access is a complimentary asset to their diverse missions. Learn how to develop sustainable partnerships and adapt this model to meet your community technology adoption needs.
For additional details and registration information visit:
If you are unable to attend a workshop visit  WebJunction Connecticut @
To Preview the Course Catalog:  OR  Request Course Access visit:
Free online courses for Connecticut library staff through the WebJunction Connecticut website. The course list includes, but is not limited to:

A+ Essentials 2009: Troubleshooting Computers and Printers

Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation

Customer Service Fundamentals: Building Rapport

JavaScript Language Basics

Keeping It Simple: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Library

Leadership Essentials

Marketing Essentials

Merchandising That Works

Microsoft Office for MAC 2011

Planning Story Times for Children

Readers Advisory Services














Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

