----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Karen Sorensen <>
To: SIGML members list <>
Sent: Sat, October 6, 2012 10:17:09 PM
Subject: [sigml] Looking for ESL and EFL teachers, please help

Hi Sigml'ers,

I am attending this Startup Weekend Education in Boulder CO,   and I working with a team that is developing an mobile app for ESL and EFL students. We need feedback to determine if this product would be valid. If you teach ESL or EFL, or know someone that does, can you please contact me at to share with us if you would use this app with your classrooms.

This is a great experience, I know some of you have ideas for apps that you would like to develop. It would be great to have a Startup Weekend m-Learning event. Let me know if you be interested in such a program.

Thanks so much, Karen

Karen Sorensen, Founder
21st Century Education, Inc.
twitter @21edu
Conference call #: 916-209-4534 pin 3604457

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