Connecticut Libraries:

iCONN On Every Desktop is a campaign to encourage all libraries to place a freely accessible image of iCONN on the desktop of every publicly accessible computer in the library in order to increase public awareness of iCONN.  The small image and instructions for downloading it to any computer desktop can be found at  The simple procedure takes less than a minute on each computer.  Once on the computer’s desktop, clicking on the image takes you directly to the landing page.  The image is essentially a shortcut link with a more identifiable appearance.  If you install the image on your home computer, because it is outside the library, it will take you to the iCONN login screen.


Why do this?

·         The state provides iCONN at no charge to all residents, schools and libraries in Connecticut, yet only a small percentage of Connecticut’s residents are aware that it exists, and fewer still are actually familiar with it. Putting this image on the desktop of every public access computer will increase iCONN’s visibility to library users.

·         iCONN delivers a wealth of online resources 24/7 with a statewide value estimated at over $32 million per year (what it would cost all libraries in Connecticut to individually subscribe to the same resources using local tax dollars).

·         Your patrons will appreciate the information.  It’s their tax dollars (over $2 million per year) at work.


iCONN is a service of the Connecticut State Library in partnership with local libraries.  We appreciate the efforts that all libraries make to promote  awareness of iCONN throughout the state.




William Sullivan, Administrator
iCONN - Connecticut's re-search engine -

Connecticut State Library -

786 South Main Street, Middletown, CT  06457
p:  860-704-2230 or 888-256-1222 (toll-free in CT)
f:  860-704-2228