The following library webinars have been scheduled for November 2012. Descriptions and registration information is listed below. When an archived version of the webinar is available a link will be made available on the Continuing Education Calendar @


OCLC: The Power of Image: Presenting with the Brain in Mind – Nov. 6th (Online)

This webinar will cover key concepts of strong visual communication and explore simple tips and tricks that will punch up your presentations and wake up your audience. The human brain is wired to respond to images. Scientific studies of the brain are providing powerful insights for designing and delivering presentations that grab the attention of the learner. Once you understand the key concepts of strong visual communication, you can get unstuck from the stale text-and-bullet format of presentation. You don’t need to be a designer to learn some simple tips and tricks that will punch up your presentations and wake up your audience. For additional details and registration information visit:


OCLC: Energize Your Base: Tips & Tools to Raise Awareness & Build Support – Nov. 14th (Online)

A webinar exploring ways to increase your community's awareness of library services and of how those services are changing lives. We know that libraries are a good investment but with tight budgets, we need to energize our base – to take action to connect more strongly with community members, to find out what excites them, and to let them know how libraries are changing lives – one connection at a time. Our panel will explore three vehicles that can help you increase awareness of library services:

Library Videos – New videos from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that showcase work done in libraries which are transforming lives, by changing the way we connect.
Geek the Library – A community awareness campaign offered free to libraries to help strengthen community connections and library support.
Data Visualization – We collect lots of data. Learn how the Colorado State Library is helping local libraries use their data to tell a story about impact.

For additional details and registration information visit:


GLA: RDA Are We There Yet? Nov. 14th  (Online)
It's been a long time coming, but Resource Description and Access (RDA), the new cataloging code, will be implemented by the Library of Congress next year - are you ready? In this session, Emily Dust Nimsakont will provide an update on the latest RDA-related developments and offer tips for RDA implementation. For additional details and registration information visit:


InfoPeople: Communicating Through Infographics – Nov. 14th (Online)
*Have you noticed the growing trend of communicating through infographics?

* Do you wonder where the data comes from and how to verify information displayed in visual form?

* Would you rather read a 100 page report or look at a visual presentation that conveys the story in less than one minute?

* Would you like to tell a compelling story about your library through the medium of infographics? Visual representation of information has existed for hundreds of years in various forms and formats. Infographics (information graphics) represent the latest visual form to gain popularity. Telling an effective story through infographics requires accurate data, compelling design, and visualization tools.

During this webinar, we will discuss and demonstrate:

* blogs and infographic search resources to find examples and track trends

* differences between infographics, poster art, and data visualization

* common data sources used in infographics (big data and local sources)

* suggest library-specific data and statistics appropriate for visual presentation &  visualization tools for experimentation

For additional details and registration information visit:


InfoPeople: Transforming Traditional Library Services: Text a Librarian – Nov. 15th (Online)
Series: The Mobile Revolution and Libraries: 2nd of 4

The mobile revolution – the use of mobile devices to access information, communication, and entertainment networks and services from many locations – is one of the fastest, most pervasive technological revolutions in the history of humankind. The pace of change, the plethora of devices and new versions, the battle for operating system supremacy, and the app explosion have resulted in a dizzying matrix of problems, challenges, and opportunities for libraries and library workers.

Librarians are working hard and fast to determine what services and materials can be offered on mobile devices. With each new platform (web, mobile, etc), librarians need to be familiar with it and the types of services that can be offered on each platform. In reference services, we have moved from in-person to adding instant messaging, chat, and now mobile.

At the end of this webinar participants will:
•Understand how mobile reference services work
•Identify some of the software/vendors that supply mobile reference services
•Be familiar with the types of questions best answered via mobile reference
•Share best practices for mobile reference services

For additional details and registration information visit:


ALA: Makerspaces: A New Wave of Library Service – Nov. 19th (Online)

A look back at ALA Midwinter meeting from a library technology perspective. Our panel of experts will analyze and discuss what they learned and what trends stood out at the conference. Whether you couldn't be in San Diego or just didn’t have time to review all the featured technology, join us for this enlightening discussion.

For additional details and registration information visit:


















Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

