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From: "Jaclyn Finneke" <>
Date: November 1, 2012, 10:15:05 AM EDT
To: "Jaclyn Finneke" <>
Subject: [aladnow] Webinar Helps You Promote Your Library with Compelling Visuals

“A picture is worth a thousand words!”  That old saying is widely spoken, but are you taking heed of all of the opportunities to promote your Library visually?  The Library Leadership & Management Association (LLAMA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is presenting a webinar, Going Visual: Transforming Library Communication from Blah to Ahhh!,” from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Central time on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012.


Presenters Kristina Martinez and Dr. Elizabeth Titus, from New Mexico State University, will present examples of how their library has transformed donor communication visually.


Participants will:

·        learn new skills to be effective in fundraising using visual communication techniques

·        be able to reduce the amount of text they use in communications visuals and hence reduce costs associated with the publications

·        be able to enhance stewardship and cultivation with donors using visuals

·        learn at least three ways they can use visual communication in their library annual gift funds, newsletters, donor proposals, etc.

LLAMA member: $49
Non-LLAMA member $59
LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $199
Non-LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $239

Register online:

For questions about this webinar or other LLAMA programs, contact Fred Reuland,


Jaclyn Finneke, Communications Specialist

Office for Library Advocacy

American Library Association

50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611

312.280.2428; 800.545.2433, x2428



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