CASL will be sponsoring a workshop with Dr. Barzee from the state board of education.  She was going to be speaking at the CASL/CECA conference and has kindly agreed to hold a workshop for interested pilot districts' librarians.  I will be scheduling with her a time and place in the very near future.  If you would respond back to me personally and let me know if you are interested in attending, I will be able to figure out a central location to meet.  Dr. Barzee has offered accomodations at CREC in Hartford. 


Presently, there is no separate framework tool for library media specialists in Connecticut; an advisory committee has been meeting to raise our concerns, as well as other specialists' concerns with the present framework tool that doesn't take into account our different environments, responsibilities, and caseloads.  I have been representing CASL at these meetings and will attend the workshop as well.  Please look at the CASL NING, which has examples of library media evaluation tools from other states. 


Thank you, and I hope that everyone has or will be getting power soon! 

Mary Ellen 


Mary Ellen Minichiello
CASL Vice-president
Library Media Specialist
Calf Pen Meadow School