Please excuse the cross posting
There are seats still available in the following  State Library CE workshops have been scheduled for November 2012. To register access the Connecticut Library Continuing Education Calendar of Events @
Office 2010: Making the Transition in Word & Excel  - Nov. 28th (Danbury PL)
Have you been using Word and Excel 2003 or 2007? In this half-day hands-on workshop, you will have to opportunity to explore the latest features in both Word 2010 and Excel 2010 and become a more proficient user. The workshop will explore Microsoft's current user interface, including adding to the Quick Access Toolbar and pinning frequently used documents. You'll learn where Microsoft put all of your favorite dialog boxes. In Word we'll show you how to reset defaults as well as how to use them to your advantage. We'll also explore how the table feature has been enhanced. In Excel we'll delve into some of the favorite sorting, filtering and function features and explore the table feature. If we have time we'll marvel at the power of pivot tables.
Word 2010 Mail Merge - Nov. 28th (MLSC)
In this half-day workshop we'll be merging names and addresses into personalized letters as well as creating envelopes and labels.
MailMerge is one of those powerful features of the Word program that confuses most people - we'll help you understand what's going on.
Topics include:
Setting up a data document with names and addresses.
Creating a main document and getting it ready for merging.
Identifying the four ways we can merge information.
Merging to letters, envelopes and labels.
Omitting some of the names in a list.
Tech Tools Update - Nov. 29th (MLSC) and Nov. 30th (Avon PL)
Need a chance to catch up with the ever-changing stream of new (and not so news) tech tools? There's always something new that sounds interesting, fun and maybe even useful! But sometimes it's hard to find time to test them out and figure out what to do with them.
During this workshop we'll look at social media services that can help you connect with your community, as well as productivity tools that can help you during your workday. You'll have a chance to explore lots of tools (new and old!) and share ideas with your colleagues. You'll come away with some new tips and tricks in your tool-kit and and decide which tools are right for you, your library, your community. Topics covered will include: Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other electronic elements (QR codes, cloud computing, etc.) No question is too silly, bring them all!!























Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

