Our graphics teacher has a channel at YouTube for student videos. 
Linda Marchisio
Library Media Specialist
Bacon Academy
611 Norwich Ave.
Colchester, CT  06415
Ph   860.537.2378  x 2152
Fax  860.537.5410
lmarchisio@colchesterct.org email
http://www.colchesterct.org/page.cfm?p=193 webpage
http://bacon-lmc.wikispaces.com/ wiki
http://balmc.edu.glogster.com/  Glogs
baconlmc@baconlmc Twitter

From: casl-l-bounces@mylist.net on behalf of Victoria Phillips
Sent: Wed 11/28/2012 12:24 PM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] any ideas?

I have a teacher with the following request...anyone have a suggestion for what type of website would work best for her project?  I was orginally thinking a wiki with a link to a surveymonkey but is there a limit to the size of videos she could post?  She has a class of over 20 so there would be lots of videos...I'd love any suggestions!


I need help with a class project.  My class is going to film commercials to of a product they create and ‘sell their snowman’ to the town.  I want to post these commercials online and allow an audience (teachers, students, parents, not sure who yet) to vote on the snowman commercial that they believe did the best job selling the snowman.  What is the best avenue to do this?  Is this possible through a wiki?  Your thoughts?


Torrie Phillips
Library Media Specialist
Hebron Elementary
(860) 228-9465

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