A few of you have asked how the reductions that I listed earlier will affect services. Let me first say that neither iCONN, CCAR, nor CCARD are affected by the reductions. “Personal services” refers to salaries. I expect that we will be able to absorb the reductions through normal attrition. It may mean that it will take longer to fill vacancies. The computer access program is a program that supports computer training and computers for low income families with children in school. I don’t yet know how many fewer people will be able to participate in the program. For CLC this is a 5% reduction and I will defer to Jennifer on what the impact will be. The reduction in the Grants to Public Libraries means we have just enough money to give each library the statutory minimum of $1,200. The Humanities Council reduction was also 5% and I don’t know what the impact is.
Thank you for your questions and concerns.
Kendall F. Wiggin
State Librarian
Connecticut State Library
231 Capitol Ave.
Hartford CT 06106
FAX: 860-757-6503